In these times do not be afraid to reach out to someone - whether a friend or a family member. If you would prefer to contact someone who does not know you there are a number of organisations you can speak to (some may have online chats as well). People are ready to listen to your concerns about anything from your current situation, about covid-19, about how you’re feeling, or anything else you would like to ask or talk about.

Below are the contact details for a few organisations:

mencap helpline - 0808 808 1111

Northants Parent Forum Group - West Email Address - North Email address - General Enquiries -

samaritans - 116 123 (mobile) 020 8394 8300 (england) +353 1 6710071 (ireland) 0131 556 7058 (scotland)

cruse bereavement care - 0808 808 1677

mind - 0300 123 3393

CAMpaign against living miserably (calm) - 0800 58 58 58

action for happiness -

papyrus - prevention of young suicide - 0800 068 41 41

anxiety uk - 03444 775 774. they have articles about how to talk to children about the covid-19, as well as for those feeling anxious.

northamptonshire healthcare - changing minds mental health support 0300 999 1616 or 0800 448 0828. please visit their website for a range of services from mental health, gender IDENTITY, from the pregnant to the old.

nhs - 111. please only call if you cannot get through on their 111 online service.

testing kits - If you would like to order a coronavirus testing kit, these can be booked online at or by calling 119. Home testing kits can also be ordered subject to availability. 

Annual health checks with your Gp surgery are available for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. An annual health check helps you stay well by talking about your health and finding any problems early, so you get the right care. there is more information about what happens in these health checks in the linked document.